



We work with our own design team, if required, we also undertake the preparation of CAD / CAM plans and CNC programs



We deal with product development, design of assembly units, devices for in-process and final inspection, coordination of inventions

Gyors prototípusgyártás

Rapid prototyping

The essence of prototype manufacturing processes is that a part with the same geometry and similar material quality as the original product can be produced quickly and at low cost

Készülék és jig gyártás


More than four decades of experience in the manufacture of plastic injection molding, rubber vulcanizing, countersinking and sheet metal forming tools

Készülék és jig gyártás

Devices and jigs manufacturing

For performing unique technical jobs we prepare assembly line devices and jigs for the automotive and electronics industry

Forgácsoló megmunkálás


Design and manufacture of general purpose parts with CNC and CAD / CAM technology in individual, small and large series

Műanyag fröccsöntés

Plastic injection molding

Production of small and large series of plastic parts using various injection molding technologies

Festés, felületbevonás

Painting, coating

We undertake the painting of plastic and metal parts in automotive quality

Komplex műanyagipari szolgáltatás

Plastic industry service

We offer complex solutions from product development to series production

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