FOCUS project
Experimental Casting of Emulsion Foam at the International Space Station with a Foam Generator.
Client: ESA, European Space Agency
Customer: Admatis Kft., the designer of the device and the experiment.
The implementation was carried out by the member companies of the Hungarian Space Cluster. Components produced by Technoplast: box, window, casing, control buttons. The aim of the project was to study the foaming process and the stability of the foam in an emulsion system in a microgravity environment in order to lay the foundations for the development of the metal foam production technology.
The device was tested on 07/02/2010 at the ISS, International Space Station by the American astronaut Jeffrey Williams.
Production of prototype parts for the aviation and space industries
Justin, a humanoid robot, was developed by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR).
The main aim of creating Justin was to produce new space robots that could be mounted on satellites, maneuvered in space in various orbits, and controlled from Earth. They should be suitable for repairing other satellites.
Technoplast produced 23 vacuum-cast prototype parts for the project.
R&D&I&A, Research, Development and Innovation activities, and Industrial Applications (satellite parts, medical devices)
Weight reduction of aluminium alloy and titanium parts by reducing the wall thickness of the work pieces.
We participated in the DynaMill FP7EU project as a member of a ten-member international consortium led by Fraunhofer IPT in Aachen.
Project title: Dynamic manufacturing of thin-walled work pieces by milling process for the aviation, space and turbine industries.
The main aim of the project was to develop a complex CNC milling technology that includes FEM analysis, the development of cutting tools and cutting technologies, clamping devices that reduce vibrations, in order to achieve the best quality and the most efficient cost structure.
The results of the project are available to the member states of the European Union without any restrictions.
Development and production of shaped metal foam and plastic/rubber composite parts
An impact energy shock absorber for BMW made of an aluminium foam and plastic/rubber composite. (Exhibited at BMW Welt on 08/07/2014.)
In this case, a structure made of a combination of metallic and non-metallic materials is used. The core of the structure is made of metal foam by CNC cutting, pressing, forging or electrical discharge machining. The shell of the work piece is plastic or rubber.
Advantages of the parts:
- almost the same mechanical properties as those of the solid materials
- weight reduced by 60-70%
- good sound, vibration and energy absorbing capacity
- easy processing
Manual lamination of carbon fabric composites for producing STRINGBIKE bicycle parts
STRINGBIKE is a bicycle that uses a revolutionary new drive system instead of a traditional chain and sprockets, two special ropes attached to pulleys attached to swinging lever and cam mechanisms, a solution that ensures a more even load on the cyclist. This new design is fundamentally different from traditional drive systems and has a number of advantages. It is innovative and imaginative, both in terms of functionality and appearance.
Technoplast produced the carbon fabric composite frame and other handlebar parts.
Development of the production technology of shaped metal foam parts and the necessary equipment
The outer layer of a shaped aluminium part is a continuous thin shell. Its inner structure is a foam structure, as in human bones.
Advantages of the parts: almost the same mechanical properties as those of the solid materials, with a fraction of the weight thereof. Extremely varied shapes can be created. Potential areas of application: mechanical engineering, automotive industry, aviation industry, production of medical instruments, etc.
The R&D project was implemented within the framework of the Ányos Jedlik Program.
Supervisor: Admatis Kft.
Members: University of Miskolc, Department of Polymer Engineering, Bay Nano Technologies, Reform Kft., Technoplast Kft.
During the implementation of the project, we developed the production technology of shaped aluminium parts and the equipment necessary for production using the nanotechnological process and injection technology. The experiments were conducted in the metal foam laboratory of Technoplast. We conducted more than 3,500 experiments over four years.
The processes are protected by patents.
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